What we got so far. Where we are headed.


What we have now is a fully functional decentralized LIVE audio platform.
Our current status is closed alpha.
We plan to release a public beta version on mid December '21.

This is a live document. We are learning as we go.



2020 Q4

🧠 GEUT team went together and started thinking and designing the basic set of features around this new platform idea.

  • Discussing ideas and sketching early interfaces. Thinking about basic interactions using mockups.
  • Evaluating the audio live streaming landscape.
  • Start mentioning the idea to closer colleagues and friends. Evaluating early feedback.
  • Defining our target user.
  • MVP kickoff.


2021 Q1 - Q4

💪 At this stage we focused on learning more about the problem and our proposed solution. This helped us define our basic building blocks. Iteration from MVP to alpha release and Beta.

  • User interviews with journalists and audio content creators. Validating early hypothesis.
  • MVP development
  • MVP evaluation with real events.
  • SDK core rewrite started. MVP evolved into alpha release.
  • Alpha testing, demo sessions. This was the evolution of early user interviews. We started "selling" more the idea while, at the same time, validating basic features.
  • Pioneer Tournament. In the middle of Q3 we started participating in the tournament. This helped us review our communication and provide general feedback.
  • Alpha release validation with LIVE events.

Going Pro


🎤 Basic set of features is out. Beta release is publicly available. Here the focus is around 3 things: evaluating real usage feedback, adding basic monetization integrations and the communication layer between audience and streamers.

  • Public Beta release: Feb 3 🎉
  • Add communication layer between audience and creators.
  • Start pitching: Conversations with possible investors. Ongoing
  • Active monitoring shows, establish communication lines with top creators. Listen to feedback, adjust features.
  • Integrate with monetization platforms. Evaluation of creators average income by using SHER.